Local Community Leaders Garner Rotary Awards

Posted on Aug 31, 2020

Local Community Leaders Garner Rotary Awards

Rotary Club of Fort Myers South recognized two recipients this year to receive the annual Four-Way Test Award and one recipient to receive the annual Vocational Service Leadership Award. Dave Meola and Ted Roepke, owners of Tech-Tronics, were honored with the Four-Way Test Award; and Doug MacGregor was honored with the Vocational Service Leadership Award.

“Each winner is a sterling example of the principles behind Rotary, and we’re privileged to be able to recognize them,” said Read Sawczyn, head of the awards committee for the Rotary Club of Fort Myers South. “They continually create positive change for our community and make a real difference in so many lives.”

The Four-Way Test Award recognizes people who emphasize service above self and conduct their lives and business in line with the Rotary Club’s Four-Way Test, composed of the following questions designed to help guide decision-making:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Does it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Dave Meola and Ted Roepke from Tech-Tronics receive Rotary South’s 2020 Four Way Test Award from President-Elect Read Sawczyn (center).

Dave Meola and Ted Roepke always rise to the occasion and exceed expectations. Most notably, their work on the Law and Order Ball over the past four years has resulted in an efficient display of technical expertise and a team effort to get the job done to the client’s satisfaction. Their can-do attitude is reflected by their team members’ eagerness and work ethics in no short part through their leadership.

The Vocational Service Leadership Award is for those who exemplify integrity and high ethical standards in business and use their vocational talents to serve the community.

Read Sawczyn, Rotary South President-Elect presents Doug MacGregor with the 2020 Vocational Service Leadership Award.

Doug MacGregor’s belief that art transcends differences and bring communities together has led to a lifetime of giving back. Whether volunteering his talent teaching local students how to cartoon and the importance of reading the daily newspaper or donating his artwork to raise money for local charities, Doug’s vocational calling and the value of his passion for giving the gift of art to others rivals other top philanthropists in Southwest Florida. A shortlist of local non-profits who have regularly benefited from his donated time and talent includes Abuse Counseling and Treatment Center, Alliance for the Arts, Big Arts on Sanibel, The Nature Center, and the Imaginarium.

Rotary Club of Fort Myers South has more than 100 members among the 1.3 million Rotarians worldwide. Service Above Self is the motto of Rotary International, which has contributed more than $1.2 billion and tens of thousands of volunteer hours toward polio eradication in addition to projects such as water quality, world peace, and literacy. Rotary Club of Fort Myers South meetings are held each Monday at noon at the Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at Bell Tower Shops hotel, 13051 Bell Tower Drive.